Preventing Mesothelioma
The best and most efficient way to prevent the occurrence of Mesothelioma cancer is to eliminate completely all exposure to asbestos. Eliminating exposure can be very difficult considering the numerous products that used asbestos. Many cases have occurred with even small amounts of exposure.
However, several steps can be taken to reduce the risks to those who must work around this deadly substance.
First, the most obvious, avoid contact with asbestos completely. Since there are many buildings, built before the dangers of asbestos was widely known, it continues to be an ongoing job of tearing down, and rebuilding these structures. Many of these, including apartment homes were built before 1989.
Workers doing these jobs, which include many schools and public buildings, need to where protective clothing and masks. They need to change out of this clothing and shower before leaving the work area, so as not to take any of the contaminating asbestos home to their families. Special concealment structures should also surround the actual working area, so as not to release the fibers into the air surrounding the specific buildings undergoing abatement.
You can hire someone who is qualified and trained in asbestos abatement, (removal of asbestos) to come and test your work building and home to verify if these materials are present there. When asbestos is found, the proper procedures can be taken to eliminate it, thus making it a safer working or livin
You can decide or choose not to live with someone who works in the fields related to asbestos removal. The fibers of asbestos can attach to clothing and skin, making it easy to spread to other people without even being aware of it. In some cases, only a few stray fibers have caused the Mesothelioma cancer.
Knowledge is power. Many over the age of 65 are more likely to develop Mesothelioma, so when you reach this age make sure and get regular health checkup and screenings, and let your doctors know if you have had any exposure to asbestos in your past work history.
You could be remodeling an older home, and the dust from tearing up cement will cause asbestos exposure. You can be exposed to asbestos dust and fiber by just handling and washing the clothing of someone who has been exposed. This is why it is extremely important for people who have been specially trained to do these jobs, follow all the described procedures.
Be aware of tools that contain asbestos. Although its use is banned, you may want to check things such as floor adhesives, door gaskets, vinyl floor tiles, textured paint, fireproof gloves, some types of roof shingles and furnace ducts.
Since a few countries still have not imposed these bans on asbestos use, be very careful to make sure these products were not been imported from those countries. China and India are two that have not imposed widespread bans on asbestos use.
Make sure older tools of the sort mentioned above, are not damaged, thus causing asbestos dust to be released from them. Waxing and brushing of floors containing asbestos can cause asbestos dust to release into the air.
By following all of these procedures, you can help keep yourself and your family safer and prevent the development of the Mesothelioma cancer in the future.