People at Risk for Mesothelioma
Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that attacks the tissues surrounding the lungs and heart. It can also show up in the abdominomial cavities. Unless caught in its very earliest stages, it is usually fatal within 5 years of being diagnosed.
Since there a connection between people exposed to asbestos and getting Mesothelioma, certain types of occupations present more hazards and risks to developing Mesothelioma Cancer.
People most at risk of developing Mesothelioma are those who have worked with asbestos in their past employment. New laws and regulations protect workers who still work with asbestos today, but since education about the dangers of asbestos did not become very widespread until around 1980, many workers were exposed already.
It can take up to 30-40 years before a person exposed to the fibers of asbestos to actually develop the disease. Because of this long dormant period, many veterans, who served in the Second World War, and in the 1970’s era, are developing this deadly cancer in extremely increasing numbers.
Exposure can be categorized two ways. Occupational asbestos exposure, where people working in the manufacture of asbestos, who would have the highest possibility and risk of getting Mesothelioma.
Para occupational asbestos exposure refers to family members of the workers exposed. The worker bringing the asbestos dust particles home on their clothing or skin can expose these family members.
A third risk is posed and known as Neighborhood asbestos exposure. This would include people who lived in a community where there was an asbestos manufacturing plant. Although Mesothelioma is rare, it is estimated that between 2,000- 3,000 new cases are diagnosed in the United States each year.
The number of cases has risen recently, according to a European study, the increases are expected to continue and peak around the year 2020, and then start to decrease. This is because since the early 1980’s asbestos use began to be discontinued in most developed countries.
The average age of a person with Mesothelioma is 50-70. It generally is diagnosed men in three to five times more cases, than in women. It also is more common in Caucasian men than in African American men.
Occupations that pose the biggest threats are those working in fire and engine rooms, boiler rooms, navigation rooms, refineries and power plants. Since many of the above were the main parts of a ship, this put veterans especially from the Navy at a higher risk than the public.
Asbestos is found in many parts. These include gaskets, cables, and insulation, valves, adhesives and flooring products. Working with and around these products, especially older products in the past would put someone in a higher risk group.
Today, protective measures are being taken to protect those employees who must work around asbestos. These employees are the ones doing the tearing down of the old condemned buildings built in the past before the dangers of asbestos were well known.
OISHA, (Occupational Industrial Safety Health Administration) have set up strict policies and procedures to adhere too when working around asbestos.