What is Mesothelioma?
You will find different names for areas that can be attacked by Mesothelioma; it differs depending on what organ the Mesothelium protects... Mesothelium refers to the membrane affected. The names differ depending on what organs they are surrounding in your body. In the abdominal cavity, the Mesothelium tissue is called peritoneum. The tissue surrounding the lungs is known as the pleura. The tissue that surrounds and protects the heart is also named pleura.
There are Mesothelial tissues surrounding the reproductive organs in both sexes. The mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis. The mesothelial tissue in a woman, surrounding the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes is called tunica serosa uteri.
In all of the above-mentioned organs, the mesothelial tissues are composed of two cell layers. This refers to the layer closest to the organ and the next one which forms the sac that surrounds the organ.
Mesothelioma is rare. On average, it is diagnosed in approximately 2000 new cases each year in the United States. It occurs in both sexes, but more often in men. The risk increases with age, and studies have connected it to exposure to asbestos. Exposure of breathing in asbestos for as little as two months can cause Mesothelioma to occur 30-40 years later in a person who has been exposed.
Many people who were exposed in the 40’s 50’s 60’s and 70’s are just now currently being diagnosed. This shows that it takes a long time after exposure until actually develops new studies and research develops, more measures that are protective are being currently implemented by OISHA, to protect workers today, but this does not help the many who are diagnosed resulting from exposure to asbestos that occurred in their lives many years ago.